Vertical sealing with polyacrylate injection gel
An excellent area of application for the gels is, among other things, the
vertical sealing inside the masonry from the inside, i. e. without shafts
(important for example in inner-city building).
for the subsequent rear sealing of ground-contaminated surfaces
Structures and components byVeil injection.
The material penetrates the joints and thus forms an additional horizontal barrier
in the masonry.
for subsequent surface sealing of floor plates in the event of an impending
Storage and seepage water.
Horizontal adjustment with PUR injection resin
against rising moisture in open-pored, highly absorbent masonry.
other horizontal seals against rising humidity
by the use of
Silicification products (capillary water barrier)
Microemulsion (hydrophobic) up to 90% moisture
applicable in the pressureless drill hole method or in the drill hole pressure method.